It's nearly a year since my last post, a lot of things had happened in between, Placement preparation, couple of interviews, six month internship in Blackberry Platform at Payoda Technologies and finally completion of my studies. During this period a lot of distros had been released but I stayed with the stable Opensuse, but then I felt KDE version of opensuse is little bit heavy, which can be felt during both start-up and during normal day to day usage(say Eclipse+amarok+chrome) even with 4GB RAM and i3 Processor. I started my quest for "The best GNU/Linux OS" with . Since I wanted a lighter distro but not certainly like Puppy/Tiny and no Ubuntu/Debian forks then by default I left with Arch. But the fear of two earlier failed attempts to install Arch forced me to try arch fork than arch. Seeing Manjaro Linux description " Manjaro Linux is a desktop-oriented, user-friendly distribution based on Arch Linux " , I thoug...
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