As an Android Studio user, you should be familiar with the “ surround-with try-catch” functionality. Surround with try-catch When you use Ctrl+Alt+T (Linux) / Cmd+Alt+T (Mac) shortcut, the built-in try-catch generator auto generates a call to the printStackTrace() method of class Exception in the catch block. After this, we manually add some code to log the exception. e.g., Log.e(TAG, “Oops! something gone wrong”, e); As a power user, you may have used some or all of the following built-in Live templates: Live Templates You can save yourself the pain of these 5-keystrokes or repetitive typing or copy pasting the code by becoming a Ninja who uses a custom built-in try-catch template. Steps for customization Step-1 : Go to Android Studio Preferences | Editor | File and Code Templates Step-2: Select Code | Catch Statement Body Step-3: Replace the existing template from: ${EXCEPTION}.printStackTrace(); with: Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(),...
#Android #Linux